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An Enriched on-line Offering







This enriched on-line course is designed for those wishing to initiate a personal practice centered on self-generated nature-based ritual and ceremony. We will focus on the role and function of nature-based rituals and ceremonies for modern cultures and will explore the synergistic relationships between nature, mirroring, and ritual in your personal practice & in your work as a leader of ceremony. The role of Guide, including skills, training, experiences, and possible livelihood will be considered. Emphasis will be placed on practices that help to reconnect people to authentic self, others, the land, and Spirit. Nature’s role as healer, container, and guide will be carefully explored. 


Experiential learning is a key component of this on-line course. Participants will be creating, organizing, and practising nature-based activities, ritual, and ceremony. We will address both the process and the integration of the experience. By performing self-generated ritual, participants will deepen their understanding of the healing and supportive qualities of nature and ritual on a personal level. And, by facilitating group experiences, participants will expand their skills in creating, organizing, and leading transformative nature-based experiences for other people seeking wholeness and healing in their lives.











Course Elements

Every 2 weeks (for a total of 7 modules) you will receive:

  • an e-mail consisting of content to read,

  • a short video clip,

  • experiential nature activities, and journaling prompts

  • Deepening practices designed to help integrate your learning.


Please plan to devote one to two hours per week to the course materials and communications, plus whatever time you give to the course activities.


The following is a break down of the different course elements for Nature-based Ritual and Ceremony.


Self-generated ritual and ceremony

This component of the on-line course invites you to develop and conduct self-designed nature-based ritual and ceremony. A journal is to be kept to document your intent and process, as well as your sense of the effect or impact of each of these ceremonies. Specifically, this aspect of the on-line course will support your personal journey and spiritual practice. You will not be required to share your journal but will be asked to share insights or questions that come up for you as a result of your experience. What you share will guide our threaded e-mail discussions.


Small-group ritual or ceremonies that you facilitate

In addition to your personal practice with nature-based ritual and ceremony, I am asking you to create and facilitate 2 small group ceremonies. When and where you conduct these is up to you. I recommend near the end of the course, once your comfort level with the material ripens.


Threaded e-mail discussions

You will participate in threaded e-mail discussions responding to questions posed by your instructor. The intent of the threaded discussions is to provide support and feedback, and to answer questions that arise.


Deepening practices

In support of your practice with nature-based ritual and ceremony, I will share with you some exercises designed to enhance your nature-based spiritual practice. You will receive these activities with every module.



You will receive, via e-mail, a new module every two weeks. Please use the first week to complete the assignment.  By the end of the first week, post your thoughts on the questions or prompts that are provided and on anything else that you wish to share. 


During the second week, continue with the practices and post, in our threaded e-mail discussion, anything else that comes to mind.


The following is a schedule of topics for each of our modules. In addition to these themes, our threaded e-mail discussions and the wisdom of the Earth will inform our work, allowing us to address our collective experience in a way that is fitting to our time, place, and needs.


  • Module 1: Introduction; Preparation (September 22, 2024)

  • Module 2: Discomfort with Nature Ritual; Severance (October 6, 2024)

  • Module 3: The Emergence of Grief; Threshold (October 20, 2024)

  • Module 4: Radical and Maintenance Ceremony; Return (November 3, 2024)

  • Module 5: Cultural Misappropriation; Integration (November 17, 2024)

  • Module 6: Meaning Making; Wrapping the Bundle (December 1, 2024)

  • Module 7: Final Integration Project (December 15, 2024)


Course  Fee: $420 + GST (If you wish to pay in installments, please contact me to discuss)



Earth-centered ritual is a vital means of re-awakening our connection to the earth and promoting deeper sources of personal and environmental healing and action. It is a powerful element in human development and is essential in a nature-based healing path.  

Course Objectives

  • To foster a spiritual practice centred on connection to self, others, nature, and mystery.

  • To develop an experiential understanding of the importance and power of nature-based ritual and ceremony in healthy relationships among human and non-human beings.

  • To develop confidence and comfort with creating and practising nature-based ritual, for yourself and for others.

  • To understand, accept, and be willing to act upon your role as a leader of ceremony in a world that deeply needs it.

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